

Carlos Martins and Ana Santos, the portuguese surrealist artists that create and manage this blog they exhibited their artworks in many art galleries and museums, national and internationally. We just show some exhibits with more emphasis and prominence in the course of these authors, including some national group exhibitions and especially international exhibitions dedicated to Surrealism and organized by leading members of the Surrealist movement.
To read more information on some of the exhibitions we participated or even organized, please click the link "Biographies" on the left side of this screen.

Carlos Martins is represented at the Museum of Surrealism in Vila Nova de Famalicão at the collection of the Foundation Cupertino de Miranda and based on the estate of the poet and painter Mário Cesariny, one of the founders of the Surrealist Group of Lisbon in 1947. You can access the site of FCM and the Museum of Surrealism here at Museum of Surrealism
Mario Cesariny died in November 26, 2006, exactly ten years ago. 

...  (to be continued)

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