
Maldoror 2016

A collage-painting by Carlos Martins. Acrylic on Canson paper. This is a collage-painting dedicated to Isidore Ducasse, the Compte de Lautréamont and his book "Les Chants de Maldoror". A special and unique characteristic of this artwork is that the title is constantly changed according to the current year. 
This artwork was exhibited at the International Surrealist Exhibition entitled "Trip to Arcturus" dedicated to Mário Cesariny and was published by the main portuguese newspaper "Expresso" and it is edited on the catalogue of the exhibiition. 

Isidore Ducasse, Compte de Lautréamont was born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1846.


Beautiful… as the fortuitous encounter of a sewing machine and an umbrella on a dissecting table."

"Poetry must be made by all and not by one."

You can get a lot of information about the Compte of Lautreamont and his poetic novel "Les Chants de Maldoror" following the link to this Google Search page .

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